Monthly Archives: November 2013

Clementine Clove

Scentsy's Scent of the Month for December 2013 is Clementine Clove.  A bright medley of romatic citrus with clove and a hint of balsam.

2017-04-02T12:47:52-04:00November 17th, 2013|Scentsy|

Scentsy BBMB (Bring Back My Bar) July 2014

Your Scentsy Favorites are back for a limited time. Get these fragrant beauties only while supplies last in the month of July. After that they just might be gone for good! Order online at   Almond Cookie Apples & Pears Bananarama Cherry Almond Pie Coconut Palm Cranberry Muffin Echo Flirtatious French Kiss Fresh Cut [...]

2017-04-02T12:47:52-04:00November 17th, 2013|Buy Scentsy Products|
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